Archive for the 'Sales Management Abundancy' Category


Management Strategies, Sales Management Abundancy No Comments »


Dear Manager,

As mangers, we have all been graced by that very special individual(s) within our organization who, for the lack of another term “simply sparkles.” When you see them or speak with them one can’t help but smile. These individuals bring us unlimited pleasure simply to be in their presence. We can’t seem to have enough of their involvement and participation. These individuals rise above the day-to-day challenges of life.

As life would have it, there are also those at the opposite end of the spectrum. From time to time, management must deal with an individual whose negative approach has the unfortunate posture to turn our highs into lows.

Yes, these are the contrasts of personalities that we all experience. Fortunately, most of us, and those with whom we work, fall somewhere in between these contrasting styles. The balance of styles within an organization can be considered its barometer. The higher the barometer’s reading, the sunnier the skies in your organization’s daily forecast; the lower the reading, the greater the chance for stormy skies ahead. It’s simply amazing how one individual can turn a very sunny day into a natural disaster.

The single greatest factor affecting the character and culture of an organization – yes, every day – is ATTITUDE.

Of even greater concern is the impact a single negative attitude can have on the psyche of others within the organization, including us. Combine this with the inordinate thought process and conversation they control, and you can begin to see how far reaching their impact becomes.

Generally, the stabilizing force of any organization is its managers. We provide the consistency, the global confidence that all is well, that indeed the skies are blue, or will be again soon…

My experience has taught me that failure to address an “attitude issue” directly not only destabilizes one’s ability to manage, but undermines the confidence and morale of others “victims” within the organization. We all get caught up with “what is in our face.” Even though we might have twenty shining stars, a single negative individual wields amazing power. It affects us all.

There is a tendency to work slowly through this challenge. No one enjoys conflict, we simply hope it will all “work itself out” with time. As often as I have tried this approach, I’m afraid that nothing ever worked itself out! In many instances, attitude issues often originate outside the workplace. When this is the case, it is obviously much more difficult to get to the root of the problem. The situations where I have found success, however, have been the result of addressing the issue swiftly, directly and confidently.

Certainly the victory comes with saving a potentially valuable relationship. While this is the goal, it is not always within our control. I recently read a quote from John Malfura, a Portland-area manager, which stuck in my mind. He has challenged his employees by asking, “If your job isn’t fun, then why are you doing it? This is supposed to be a fun place, and if you have fun and exude that, those around will also.”

Yes, it can be as simple as that. Some folks, however, have never learned how to “make their own fun.” They may believe that it’s the responsibility of others to “make it fun for me.” Similar to our holding teachers responsible for “making” us learn, or a spouse for “bringing” us happiness, these individuals are destined for personal dissatisfaction.

I use these examples for the sole purpose of illustrating that this type of attitude will never bring long-term benefit to an organization. These individuals, for no other reason than their own attitude, have taken themselves out. They will never be stars.


A star assumes full responsibility for their own happiness and making their own fun. These individuals understand that their circumstances are a result of their choices. If their circumstances can’t be positively improved upon or deemed acceptable, they have the option of considering other choices. What other effective alternatives are there? It all comes down to a positive thought process.

These are the individuals who nourish our soul. It is the stars who often require so little time and focus, and yet deserve the wasted time and energy devoted to the alternative. It’s time to tell the kids that can’t play nice to go home!


With all the tragedy we see via the news media, I believe it is increasingly difficult to simply keep it fun. Combine this with the constant link of technology, let alone financial pressures, and I believe all of our lives have become a bit more (too) intense. It has become increasingly important to take the time to enjoy and appreciate personal and simple pleasures. In today’s world, these are essential to a well-rounded and successful career, and survival.

As managers, we must take steps to insure that simple pleasures flourish in those with whom we work. The old school of thought would not have considered this life-saving (let alone attitude-saving) approach to business. In the past, we would simply have continued to ask for more. More time, more effort, greater commitment, constant communication and availability on call. We must accept the fact that the professional work place is all ready over committed!

I am not suggesting that all hope is lost, nor am I suggesting that we expect less or take an extended holiday. The professional bar for business success continues to stand tall. If counterproductive attitudes are no longer acceptable, the only question becomes how do we continue to meet our goals and protect the survivors?

We must learn to first appreciate our stars a bit more, and surround them with their peers! Personal growth for us and others holds the key. If we have no more time to give, the only alternative is to be much better and more focused with the time we have! While some with “an attitude” have come to believe they “have arrived” relating to personal abilities and growth, why is it that these are the individuals of whom I’m most suspicious?

Even in the most professional relationships I have, there is no one who does not have their own areas that need attention, this author included. We all need to take the steps to monitor and balance our personal and professional lives. This balance is the evidence that we know how to play. The new standards can then be set for all of those we work with as well. At all costs, save yourself and save your stars. It is the underlining positive attitude that is the true reflection of an organization.

As managers, we frequently can’t see any of the stars that sparkle due to a short term overcast. The overcast will come and go; the stars are constant.

Personal Regards,


INTERPERSONAL© is published by INTERPERSONALBIZ.COM, Keenan Longcor, Editor, ©2010. Duplication of this publication is permitted for both personal and business use. Excerpts may only be quoted with acknowledgment of INTERPERSONAL/INTERPERSONALBIZ.ORG as the source. For re-publication rights, please contact the editor at KEENAN@INTERPERSONALBIZ.COM


Management Rewards, Management Strategies, Sales Management Abundancy No Comments »


Dear Manager,

Consider the balance of power in a buyer-seller relationship. It’s rarely discussed, it’s simply understood. Historically, one person is in ultimate control, making all the final decisions. I believe there has been a similar balance of power in a manager-managee relationship. Don’t look now, but management and this relationship have changed! We are far more interdependent than at any time in the past.

Today’s strong management is about sharing the responsibilities and the rewards. All members of an organization hold a greater level of accountability. Anything less… and there is no organization.

I considered my role as a manager to be much less than it once was. We hold very little power without the strength of those around us. This position of ultimate power is diminishing at an accelerating rate. Don’t be confused. The balance of power is shifting. We can’t be intimidated by it, we must understand it and find its own rewards.

My memories go back to long before technology took on the role it plays today in all of our lives. In those days, my peers were the customers and our manufacturers. Staff members and field sales associates received their direction from me. This was also a time when our organization was a third of the size it would develop to.

The current layer of field sales management support from our factories did not yet exist. In addition, the only functions provided by computers were invoice entry and manufacturers’ commission statements Annual goals were established by each of our factories for our entire region. As long as we achieved this single number, we were heroes.

In those days, I might have had problems with sales in multiple regions, yet as long as the total region’s sales objectives were achieved, no one seemed to react, or be aware! Once our office was computerized, the information relating to sales was very revealing. For a time, I was aware of sales deficiencies long before our manufacturers. This was a huge advantage. I had the flexibility to solve issues long before they became a specific concern of the manufacturer.

The 90’s changed all of this. This is when the balance of power began its shift. Soon computer-generated reports were spewing from my factories’ computers. Field sales managers appeared frequently to review the reports with our associates and me. The window of opportunity to close the barn door before the cows got out had been seriously diminished.

Additionally, our sales associates were developing much stronger working relationships with their factories. The power continued its shift. In many cases, these strong rep-manufacturer working relationships were a significant benefit to the organization. Over time, these newly developed ties took on much greater meaning.

I now had support from the factories in the management of our organization. All parties now took issues that were considered “only mine” in the past much more seriously. Can you feel the shift in power? I must admit, I needed and appreciated all of the support, as long as it was consistent with my own voice.

My conversations with my managers were now much more specific in nature, as I could no longer “hide” challenging, unresolved territories and issues. This sword was double edged, as it made me a better manager in addition to bringing significant pressure to respond in a timely manner.

With all this additional information and tools, our staff and sales associates were faced with facts, many of them for the first time. Some members were unable to survive this transition. Those who replaced them, along with those who persevered and survived, were now much more professional than their predecessors. We would all need to be better in this world of technology.

I soon began to adjust to the transformation of balance. Quality drives confidence. Doing so is a direct reflection of the distinction of individuals that I enjoyed working with in my organization. It is also a balance that is consistent with, and critical to, our successful business relationships in the future. Along with the changes in the balance of power comes a new balance of responsibility. With this transition, the single adjustment I looked for from my associates was their own ability to:


Before we can ask others to think like a manager we must be willing to perceive them as a manager. None of us will master our objectives without truly assuming full responsibility for our present and our future. This includes full responsibility and empowerment for the decisions relating to their business. As their manager, we continue to have every right to know their plan.

In the past, there may have been no plan. This strategy, or lack of one, will no longer suffice. Good management requires all its members to create a vision for continued growth. Without growth, there is no need for management. Without management there can be no need for anyone to manage.

This suggests that more than at any previous time, we’re in this thing together. There was a time when management’s role was to be a thorn in the side of those they managed. A lot of hand holding and babysitting is required in this form of management. This is truly old news and, in today’s world, demeaning to both parties.

As technology continues to assist us in the management of our territories, this is no place for the faint of heart. The advances in productivity alone will challenge us to produce at an even greater rate per workday than ever before.

My associates have proven the ability to do what I did twenty years ago, often better than I did. All have assumed a role that they deserve, as managers of their sales regions. This is now a fact of doing business in the twenty-first century. Those associates who choose to live in the past, abdicating power due to lack of interest or effort, will not survive. Management of dictatorship heritage will no longer retain first-rate professionals. The management/managee relationship has become, without question, a partnership.


As managers, we must continue to relinquish a portion of our power for the good of the organization, let alone our own peace of mind. In doing so, we also relinquish an equal share of the responsibility for our collective success. This certainly sounds like a good trade off to me! The balance of power is now very clear and, more so than ever in the past, it is in balance.

Personal Regards.


INTERPERSONAL© is published by INTERPERSONALBIZ.COM, Keenan Longcor, Editor, ©2010. Duplication of this publication is permitted for both personal and business use. Excerpts may only be quoted with acknowledgment of INTERPERSONAL/INTERPERSONALBIZ.ORG as the source. For re-publication rights, please contact the editor at KEENAN@INTERPERSONALBIZ.COM


Management Strategies, Sales Management Abundancy No Comments »

Vol. LIV

Dear Manger,

Just how many languages can one manager speak? With each conversation, a manager must converse with consistent understanding, yet address a wide range of individual needs and varied potentials. It can be difficult to compose a simple letter, knowing that it will be interpreted and implemented from a wide range of perspectives.

The “Tenured Associate,” who establishes their own standards and expectations relating to their performance, may feel there is very little to learn from their manager… they have heard it all before. The “Veteran Associate” may feel that just when they’ve finally arrived, someone has thrown them a curve. The “Apprentice Associate” is simply trying to stay above water, surviving the sense of being totally overwhelmed. How do we manage from so many perspectives?


Individuals we manage have established their own set of lessons, thus forming building blocks. Each block represents a unique set of personal experiences, making each different heights, weights and measures. Given the diversity of these blocks, things that may be obvious to one can be a foreign language to another. Management’s job is to look beyond the surface in determining each individual’s needs and current skills. All too often, managers try to teach third year French to first year students. Parlez vous Francais?

Think of this in terms of the selling process. Have you ever participated in a sales presentation with a technically skilled sales person who was absolutely talking over the head of their intended customer? All ability to make the sale had been lost.

When working with a “Big Buyer,” we know we are dealing with someone who expects a fast pace, total preparation, and the ability to quickly get to the bottom line. Time in front of them is limited; our presentation and professional skills will be tested to their limits. By afternoon, we may be working with a buyer for whom an appointment is a social occasion! The esthetics of your presentation now become paramount, not to mention allowing time to get you caught up on their family, upcoming vacations, and local gossip.

Similar to using a different presentation style for these two customers, it is our responsibility to adapt and adjust to the needs and capacities of those we manage. Read this sentence just one more time, as it is a very difficult challenge! How do we reach this goal? There is only one way, and that is with effective questions and highly developed …


Who doesn’t enjoy hearing the sound of their own voice? Now is not the time! As managers, it is time to truly listen to the objectives of those around us. In total, we are here to promote personal growth for ourselves, and for all members of our organization. Few would suggest that personal growth is not important to all of us. In other words, this is a common objective and language for all of us. We must fully understand the goals and objectives of those we manage. All too often, management fails to…


Managers are responsible for creating organizational objectives for those they manage, just as they can expect those around them to develop their own form of objectives. While both “yours” and “theirs” have merit, “theirs” will consistently reach the finish line long before “yours.”

Review each individual’s short term objectives, asking them to document their thoughts by first developing a set of plans for the following six months. As with any plan, the most difficult step is the first one. Collectively determine what the first step will be, and the time line for its

Showing your own commitment to personal growth, share your own short term objectives for the organization. Highlight specific areas that are important to you, and explain the steps you are taking in meeting the needs and expectations of the whole. Frequently, those we manage do not understand the dynamics and responsibilities of “exactly” what management does. Now is the opportunity to share some of these thoughts and challenges.

The third step in this process is the one we foul up the most. FOLLOW UP holds the key to any successful conclusion. Often management does a great job of establishing the foundation for growth, only to drop the ball on its implementation. Weeks and months pass without any accountability.

What signal does this send? It suggests that we were never serious to begin with, that we never really cared. Once again, we were simply going through the motions of “what managers are supposed to do.” Don’t look now, but this is what many expect will happen. In this scenario, lack of sincerity breeds lack of support for organizational goals. FOLLOW UP, FOLLOW UP, FOLLOW UP!


Once the short term goals have been established, take a look at formalizing some of the long term goals. We all get trapped in the now. Sharing extended objectives will not only establish a foundation for the present, it will often help to focus on the innermost dreams we all aspire to.

All of us are looking for “the formula” to improve our quality of life in the years ahead. A reduction of the day-to-day pressures, the pace, and financial stress, are on the top of all of our lists. What scenario and set of circumstances will create this reality? Is there a blueprint that can retain or improve our well-being while reducing a portion of today’s burdens?

We can all work very hard in the now, as long as there is faith in a better life in the future. This is where the language skills and mutual understanding become one for all parties. By knowing and supporting another’s dreams for the future, we just may be creating a greater sense of urgency to achieve the now. Rather than dancing around different perceptions and interpretations, find a common language that all will understand. There can be no greater success than in following a collective vision toward a dream.

Warm Regards,


INTERPERSONAL© is published by INTERPERSONALBIZ.COM, Keenan Longcor, Editor, ©2009. Duplication of this publication is permitted for both personal and business use. Excerpts may only be quoted with acknowledgment of INTERPERSONAL/INTERPERSONALBIZ.ORG as the source. For re-publication rights, please contact the editor at KEENAN@INTERPERSONALBIZ.COM


Management Rewards, Management Strategies, Sales Management Abundancy No Comments »


Dear Manager,

Each new year comes the anticipation of new opportunities. Many manufacturers have major introductions, roll outs, or the birth of a new product line. These introductions have taken months of preparation. Are we prepared to take full advantage? Perhaps not.

The new year can often bring a loss of rhythm as productivity in the preceding weeks falls to its lowest level of the year. Personal time is essential, but protect your rhythm at all costs. Preparation takes time, yet can be perceived as less essential. Why do factories have sales meetings prior to the beginning of a new year? In order to force us to prepare. Otherwise, the basic materials and information could simply be forwarded to us. Preparation is the single greatest failing of most sales associates. It’s our Achilles heel!

Have I always been fully prepared? No. Have I seen sales people who, six months after an introduction, are still without a basic understanding of the products and concepts they are being asked to sell? Yes. Have I seen the obvious benefits to those who found the discipline, understood its value, and come out of the gate at full stride? Absolutely.

Manufacturers have a responsibility to keep their introductions sales-friendly and simple to understand. I have seen many introductions totally lost in their translation to the field. Bear in mind that a broad, yet single-page interpretation for the field will out perform a three-page thorough analysis every single time.


(And it’s not) we would all improve upon our preparation and commitment of having the basic knowledge that should be expected by those for whom we sell, and by those to whom we sell.


So, what are your best selling products? Best sellers, by nature, are the only foundation we have. Will they always meet everyone’s expectations, everyone’s individual tastes, or always perform at a consistent level? No. Will these products perform 75% of the time regardless of expectations, location or one’s taste? Yes. Begin the process of knowing your strengths intimately then continue to broaden the foundation as new products are introduced.

This information is available to you in multiple forms. Begin with the manufacturers. Ask for best seller information as soon as it becomes available. Keep this information at your fingertips, or make notations in sales materials. Begin to analyze your own re-orders; look for patterns. In the new year, rely on last year’s final appraisals, adding items or categories that are similar, or can be considered second generation to last year’s best sellers. Maintain a watchful eye for trends, customer response, and information from fellow sales professionals.

Now that you have developed this information, use it. It is your responsibility to pass this information along for their review. Throughout the appointment, explain to your clients the process you have taken to ensure that the purchases they make from your factories are the best possible. Also, acknowledge that you fully understand that, in certain instances, this information may not be viable for their location. To ensure that they are not intimidated by your consistent approach to suggestive selling, agree with their negative position on occasion. Offer to follow up with additional information on your next visit. Don’t be afraid to negative sell a product to enhance their level of comfort and your credibility.

Before long, they will be asking your opinion with every turn of the page. You will know that you have arrived when they suggest, “Why don’t you simply write this order for me?” Confidence has been earned for having invested in their success.

We will only reach our potential by being very knowledgeable and willing to take a position. With focus, and familiarity of similar selling situations, the information we can provide will outperform our customer’s “good judgment” nine times out of ten. We will never be 100% right, and yet neither will our customers. Without question, preparation will increase your sales. Know your strengths, sell your strengths!

We have all been in the following situation: A customer sits down with a very opinionated view of exactly what interests them, and where the potential of your products can be found. This type of customer might as well come right out and say, “Keep your pen warm and your mouth shut.” Invariably, these customers will purchase the least desirable categories and products in your presentation. Upon follow up, they are quick to tell you that your products simply didn’t perform. Why? Because they have not purchased from your strengths.

We have also been in a situation with a buyer who simply has no clue or sense of awareness regarding what they are purchasing. They will ask to order an item that, from your experience, has little or no potential for their location. The best approach I have seen in these situations is: “I know you like this product, in fact I like it very much myself, but I have found this other product to have performed much better.” From their perspective, why would you suggest they switch to a new product unless it was in their best interest to do so? At all costs, avoid your customers’ willingness to invest in “dogs.” It will reflect on you in some form and, in many instances, it should.


This begins by explaining the value of the information you will be providing to them in the selling process. Position yourself in such a way that you and your customer will work from a single catalog or source of information. Suggest that you begin at the front of the presentation or catalog. Whenever possible, turn the pages for them. With a smile on your face, ask that they return to important items that they may have missed. I have been known to ask customers to simply humor me!

When was the last time during an appointment that you failed to have the most current information relating to special terms or a promotion? This is critical information when desiring to sell from a position of strength. I know many sales people who keep a cheat sheet of promotional details with them for each appointment. It can be very difficult to stay on top of all the information we receive, let alone remember it. These promotions are established to enhance our sales and enhance our income. Come prepared.

Selling from a position of strength also requires a basic awareness of the industry as a whole, and of your competition. I know associates who never fail to ask their customers if they may assist them in finding additional resources other than those they personally represent. Are they looking for products, and simply cannot find the supplier? Who better than you to assist in the process, while enhancing your value in the eyes of your customer? Obviously, this suggests an interest in their needs, in addition to that of your own.

If we become students of our presentations, and very knowledgeable, we will become indispensable. Quality factories and quality sales professionals demand of themselves the ability to sell products that will be a success in the marketplace. The alternatives are products that are merely taking up space through lack of performance.
Even with the very best of intentions, there will always be a lesser performing category or product. In each instance, get it out and move on quickly!

All of this takes us back to knowing our presentations, and knowing them very well. Many of us do an adequate or good job. What if, in the new year, we could be perceived as strengthening this vital role to that of excellent or superior? Once the expectations for oneself have been defined and accepted, the position of strength is yours.

Personal Regards,


INTERPERSONAL© is published by INTERPERSONALBIZ.COM, Keenan Longcor, Editor, ©2009. Duplication of this publication is permitted for both personal and business use. Excerpts may only be quoted with acknowledgment of INTERPERSONAL/INTERPERSONALBIZ.ORG as the source. For re-publication rights, please contact the editor at KEENAN@INTERPERSONALBIZ.COM