In order for a leadership team to function effectively, it is essential to establish a working agreement. This agreement outlines expectations, roles, and responsibilities, and helps to promote collaboration and communication within the team. Here are some key components to include in a leadership team working agreement:

1. Roles and responsibilities:

Clearly define each member’s role and responsibilities within the team. This should include both individual responsibilities and team responsibilities.

2. Communication:

Establish guidelines for how the team will communicate with one another, including preferred methods and frequency of communication. It is also important to establish guidelines for how the team will communicate with external stakeholders.

3. Decision-making:

Outline the decision-making process for the team. Will decisions be made by consensus, or will there be a designated decision-maker? Make sure that everyone understands the process and their role in it.

4. Goals and objectives:

Establish clear goals and objectives for the team. This should include both short-term and long-term goals, as well as individual and team objectives.

5. Accountability:

Establish guidelines for how the team will hold one another accountable for meeting goals and objectives. This may include regular check-ins, performance evaluations, and feedback sessions.

6. Conflict resolution:

Establish a process for resolving conflicts within the team. This should include both informal and formal methods for resolving disputes.

7. Continual improvement:

Make sure that the working agreement is a living document that can be revisited and updated as the team evolves. Encourage feedback and collaboration to continually improve the team’s performance.

By establishing a leadership team working agreement, you can help ensure that your team is working collaboratively and effectively towards common goals. It promotes accountability, communication, and continual improvement, and can help to resolve conflicts before they escalate. As a professional, you should ensure that the article includes keywords such as “leadership,” “team,” “working agreement,” “communication,” “decision-making,” “goals,” and “conflict resolution” to optimize the article for search engines.