Collaborative Practice Agreement in Pennsylvania: What You Need to Know

Collaborative practice agreements (CPAs) are an increasingly popular way for healthcare professionals to work together to improve patient care. In Pennsylvania, CPAs are a legal requirement for nurse practitioners (NPs) who want to practice independently. But what exactly is a CPA, and how does it work in Pennsylvania?

What is a Collaborative Practice Agreement?

A CPA is a written agreement between an NP and a physician that outlines the scope of the NP`s practice and the physician`s role in supervising and collaborating with the NP. CPAs are designed to ensure that NPs can provide safe and effective care to their patients while still benefiting from the expertise and guidance of a physician.

In Pennsylvania, CPAs must be approved by the state Board of Nursing and the state Board of Medicine. The agreement must be updated every two years and must be maintained at the NP`s practice site.

What are the Requirements for a CPA in Pennsylvania?

To be eligible for a CPA in Pennsylvania, an NP must have:

– A current license to practice as an NP in Pennsylvania

– Graduate-level education in the NP`s specialty area

– National certification as an NP

– At least three years of full-time clinical experience as an RN or NP

The physician who collaborates with the NP must be:

– A physician licensed to practice medicine in Pennsylvania

– A physician who practices in the same specialty area as the NP

– Willing and able to provide supervision and collaborate with the NP

What are the Benefits of a CPA in Pennsylvania?

For NPs, the benefits of a CPA in Pennsylvania include:

– The ability to practice independently

– The ability to prescribe medication independently

– The assurance that they are providing safe and effective care to their patients

– The ability to bill Medicare and Medicaid

For physicians, the benefits of a CPA include:

– The ability to expand their practice by working with NPs

– The ability to provide guidance and supervision to NPs

– The assurance that their patients are receiving high-quality care

Overall, CPAs are an important tool for improving healthcare delivery in Pennsylvania. By working together, NPs and physicians can provide safe, effective, and efficient care to their patients. If you`re an NP in Pennsylvania, be sure to consult with a physician to establish a CPA that meets your needs and those of your patients.