ISDA Amendment Agreement MAS Explained: A Comprehensive Guide

The International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA) is a global organization that regulates the derivatives market. ISDA provides standardized documentation for over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives transactions, including interest rate swaps, credit default swaps, and currency swaps. One of the most common documents used in the derivatives market is the ISDA Master Agreement, which outlines the terms and conditions of derivatives transactions between two parties.

However, as with any legal document, the ISDA Master Agreement may need to be amended from time to time. This is where the ISDA Amendment Agreement comes into play. In this article, we will analyze the ISDA Amendment Agreement MAS (Monetary Authority of Singapore) and what it means for derivatives traders.

What is an ISDA Amendment Agreement?

An ISDA Amendment Agreement is a legal document that modifies an existing ISDA Master Agreement. It is essentially an addendum that alters certain terms or adds new terms to the original agreement. An ISDA Amendment Agreement is typically used when both parties agree to make changes to their derivatives transaction, but do not want to draft an entirely new agreement.

Why are ISDA Amendment Agreements used?

ISDA Amendment Agreements are commonly used for a number of reasons, including:

1. To update terms – Over time, market conditions may change, which can affect the terms of an existing derivatives transaction. For example, interest rates may fluctuate, or the creditworthiness of one of the parties may improve or deteriorate. An ISDA Amendment Agreement can be used to modify the original agreement to reflect these changes.

2. To add new terms – Sometimes, parties may want to add new terms to their derivatives transaction. For example, they may want to include an additional type of derivative, or they may want to add a collateral requirement. An ISDA Amendment Agreement can be used to add these new terms to the original agreement.

3. To correct errors – Occasionally, errors may be found in the original ISDA Master Agreement. These errors may be minor, such as a typo, or major, such as an incorrect calculation. An ISDA Amendment Agreement can be used to correct these errors.

What is the ISDA Amendment Agreement MAS?

The ISDA Amendment Agreement MAS is a specific type of ISDA Amendment Agreement that is used in Singapore. The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) is the central bank of Singapore and regulates the financial services sector in the country. The ISDA Amendment Agreement MAS is specifically tailored to the regulatory requirements of Singapore.

The ISDA Amendment Agreement MAS includes specific terms related to regulatory compliance, such as reporting requirements and obligations related to anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing. It also includes provisions related to Singapore law and jurisdiction.


ISDA Amendment Agreements are a common tool used in the derivatives market to modify existing ISDA Master Agreements. The ISDA Amendment Agreement MAS is a specific type of amendment agreement that is used in Singapore and includes terms tailored to the regulatory requirements of the country. If you are involved in derivatives trading in Singapore, it is important to be familiar with the ISDA Amendment Agreement MAS and how it affects your transactions.